Monday, July 21, 2014

Mamas with Cameras

Being a good photographer is something I've always dreamt about. I am frequently super jealous when I see other people's amazing photos of their adventures and their kids. I had resigned to the fact that I just didn't have the artistic eye and would have to be happy with the crummy photos I take myself and spring for professional photos at least once a year.

I am still far from being an expert but I recently took a photography class that restored my hope.  It was through an organization called "Mamas with Cameras" and it was amazing.  There are two woman that work as professional photographers and teach classes for other moms every couple of months. The workshop I did was "Introduction to Digital Photography" and now I actually know how to use the fancy DSLR camera we bought when Owen was born.  I understand the exposure triangle. I feel like I finally have the potential to capture some really beautiful photos. You may have noticed the change in photo caliber in the "Suncadia" post a few week back :)

As I was going through my photos to post a few examples of my new skills I realzied that the only time I've really practiced was in Suncadia. Note to self, remember to bring the camera, not just the iphone!

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