Owen is 20 months old and in such a fun phase. He's more adorable than ever. I think toddlers are the cutest age. They look like mini adults adults and have personality for days. Owen loves to hold hands and walk, sit down on benches and then pat the seat next to him for someone to join him. He is starting to talk a lot and has the sweetest little voice. He says mom whenever he can't think of anything else to say. "Mom", "ma", "mama", he sounds just like baby Stewie. He also says "no" a lot which isn't so cute. He is obsessed with dogs and loves being at the beach. He has recently learned to climb on everything and enjoys getting on top of the kitchen table and helping himself to whatever is in the fruit bowl. He's a little neat nick and likes to keep things tidy. He is obsessed with water. He loves water bottles and always want to drink out of everyone else's, he also loves drinking from the hose, Jake's bowl and the toilet if we're not watching closely. If I turn on the hose, he's happy in the backyard for hours. He also likes to stand on a chair in the kitchen and watch me cook. When he sees me get out the pots and pans, he sprints over to the table and pulls up a chair so that he can help. Much to my pleasure he finally loves to read. He'll snuggle up on the couch and read with me for 30 minutes as long as I have the right books.
As a parent you know that your kids will model your behavior, but when they actually start doing it, it still comes a shock. Owen loves to point at Jake, yell "no" and occasionally smack him. Wonder where he learned that. It's a good lesson for me in patience. I don't want Owen to think it's okay to yell at and hit animals, so I have to be very mindful when I get frustrated with Jake. Luckily he has also picked up some good habits from me, like saying "thank you" and cleaning. Give the kid a sponge and he will get down on the floor and start scrubbing.
We're in a great phase when it comes to sleep. Owen goes to bed around 8, wakes up around 6:30 and takes a 3 hours nap every afternoon. We've been doing swimming lessons at the outdoor pool in Magnolia and he is starting to get comfortable in the water. Ty has been getting home from work early every day so we have been having a blast swimming and going to the beach in the evenings. There is a lot to love about our sweet little Owen and we are having the time of our lives watching him grow.
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