Monday, November 29, 2021

9-Year-Old Love Letter

My sweet Owen,

You are 9-years-old and third grade has been a true coming of age. You are confident and motivated in school. You've made new friends and have a crew that includes Jackson, Oliver and Marshall. You know all the kids on the bus and talk about standing up to bullies when they're being unkind. You've learned to say what you think and add "in my opinion," which I greatly appreciate. You understand that just because you think one way doesn't mean everyone else has to agree. 

You aspire to be a leader and do the right thing. When your teacher told you masks aren't necessary in the classroom, you kept yours on. You told me you don't like wearing it but know it helps keep people safe. You are becoming more independent and the role of friends is beginning to take more space in your life. Even so, you welcome what we teach you, still trusting and agreeing with our values. 

You love boating and being on the water. Your sly smile when you're excited about something is my absolute favorite. You've begun piano lessons and are loving it so far. This year's soccer season was your best yet. You truly enjoyed being out there and scored your first goal. One thing dad and I have encouraged over the years is to try your best no matter the circumstances. In your 8th year that became a reality both in school and in sports, for which I am quite proud. You've expressed an interest in photography and come to sessions with me as a paid assistant. You are a great helper, carrying my props and making babies laugh. You've picked up a lot of language that we don't love like "idiot, stupid and sucks," and are experimenting with how much you can get away with saying. You're a little apprehensive about basketball after having a bad team/coach right before the pandemic but are signed up and willing to give it another try this season, with Jackson as a teammate. You love holidays and make sure they are celebrated with intensity. 

You are obsessed with candy and sweets. Your emotions resemble that of a teenage girl, with highs, lows, and mini outbursts that often puzzle me. Your increased maturity is apparent as you move from young to mid-childhood. With your youth now officially half over I already miss toddler OC. At the same time, your increased capacity for thinking and participating in activities is delightful. I love playing ping pong and foosball now that I can try my best and still loose. I love everything about 9-year-old Owen. 

Parenthood is such a juxtaposition of emotions, a constant longing for both what was, what is and what is still to come. And here's the thing- who you were, who you are, and who you are becoming are all my favorite. Not a day goes by that I don't love and cherish you. From the high highs to the low lows- you are exactly who you are supposed to be and deeply loved.

Happy 9th Birthday to my firstborn. I love you with all that I have and all that I am. 


Your loving mama 

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